Friday, October 13, 2006

not much going on here on this friday the 13th. busy being tired and feeling guilty about being so tired all the time. popping prenatal vitamins and reading gluten-free cookbooks. sebastian is in a construction mood today. there are tunnels and tall buildings and station houses all over my bedroom floor. ingrid is still breech so i have to hang around upside down to convince her that her feet should be where her head is. let's hope she turns soon.
i forgot i took these pictures of our night out last weekend. jason and i went to a friend of the family's wedding last saturday and sebastian spent his first night away from both of us at his nana's house.

of course, it seems we were a little under-dressed.
(i should have zoomed in further so you could see the full glory of these gentlemen's sunday best/wrangling outfits. true country. there was another guy at the ceremony who was completely ready for the reception with his hawaiian shirt that illustrated the various tropical drinks he would be consuming. rather convenient, in my opinion. just point at your shirt when the bartender ceases to understand your words.)

sebastian would gladly live at barnes and noble if he could. my mom loaned us a vehicle while she and my dad are leaf viewing this week so i had to take sebastian to the "small bookstore". we were there for over 2 hours.
hope all is well with you and yours. take care.

1 comment:

RhettandAlice said...

You guys look smashing!