Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I've been continuing the documentation of my final days of pregnancy....
I am still pregnant so I guess I will have to ditch Tsukiko from the list. Other possibilities: 愛純 (Azu), 椛蒔 (Momiji), 千絵 (Chie), 稚秋 (Chiaki), 楓花 (Kaede).

And yes, we voted. Unfortunately, we still have a republican governor but at least Jeb wasn't able to serve a third term and the people of Florida had enough sense not to elect Katherine Harris as our senator.

1 comment:

nerpamama said...

wow! you look fantastic! we can't wait to hear when she comes. any day now....she will be so loved in your wonderful family . we are sending you all our best wishes. love, h,j,g,l